Selectors in CSS

Selectors are used in CSS to target the HTML items we want to style on our web pages. A wide range of CSS selectors is available, allowing fine-grained precision when choosing style components. In this article and its sub-articles, we're going to go over the various forms in great depth to see how they work.

In CSS, selectors are used to targeting the HTML elements that we want to style on our web pages. A wide range of CSS selectors is available, allowing fine-grained precision when specifying style components. Here, we're going to go over the various forms in great depth to see how they work.

The first element of a CSS Rule is a CSS selector. It is a series of elements and other words that tell the browser which HTML elements should be identified to have the CSS property values within the rule attached to them. The selector's topic is the element or items chosen by the selector. Selectors are classified in the CSS Selectors specification; like any other component of the CSS, they require support in the browsers so that they can function. The Level 3 Selectors standard, which is a mature specification, specifies the bulk of selectors that you can come across, so you can find excellent browser support for these selectors. There are five different types of selectors available in CSS.
1.CSS Element Selector
2.CSS Id Selector
3.CSS Class Selector
4.CSS Universal Selector
5.CSS Group Selector

1.CSS Element Selector- The selector element chooses the name of the HTML element.
2.CSS Id Selector- To choose a specific element, the id selector selects the id attribute of the HTML element. The id is often unique within the page such that a single, unique element is picked. It is written with the hash character (#) followed by the element id.
3.CSS Class Selector- HTML elements of a certain class attribute are chosen by the class selector. It is used for the character of the time. (full stop symbol) followed by the name of the class.
4.CSS Universal Selector- As a wildcard character, the universal selector is used. On the pages, it picks all the elements.
5.CSS Group Selector- To pick all the items with the same type descriptions, the grouping selector is used. The selector for classification is used to reduce the code. Commas are used in grouping to differentiate each selector.